Notice of Procedural By-Law Amendment

The Council of the Town of Penetanguishene intends to pass an updated Procedural By-law at its Regular Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, in the Council Chambers, Townhall, 10 Robert Street West, Penetanguishene.

The Procedural By-law governs the calling, place, and proceedings of meetings of Council, Committees, and Boards.

The proposed amendments to the By-law include:

  • Additional definitions for clarification.
  • Inclusion of Land Acknowledgment.
  • Electronic participation updated to remove limits on number of participants and total number per year of electronic participation.
  • Committee of the Whole process and purpose clarification.
  • Addition of disclosure of pecuniary interest registry.
  • Notice of Motion appearing in Council not Committee of the Whole (correction).
  • Inclusion of a clause for unfinished business after the required adjournment hour.
  • Inclusion details for when a motion is withdrawn.
  • Inclusion of the Referrals to Upcoming Agendas and Staff (Committee of the Whole)
  • Updates to Appendix C regarding Advisory Boards and Committees.
  • Change of name of the Community Wellbeing Committee to Wellbeing and Accessibility Committee.
  • Updates to Terms of References for each committee as required.
  • Clarification regarding Tiny Township resident appointment to Penetanguishene Public Library Board during an effective contract.
  • Clarification of appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair on Advisory Boards and Committees.
  • Council Members be allowed to participate in in-camera (closed) meetings electronically when necessary. 
  • Trails advisory committee membership be increased from 5 members to 8 members. 
  • Absenteeism of Advisory Committee Members (volunteer members of the public) be only granted approval to miss more than three consecutive meetings be approved only by Council.
  • Council meeting agenda include an Open Forum at the beginning of the agenda. 
  • Council meeting agenda remove Questions from the Media and Public at the end of the agenda to allow for Open Forum at the beginning of the agenda. 
  • Council inaugural meeting be held the last Wednesday of November in an election year.

The draft Procedural By-law Amendments are available for viewing online on the Town’s website at or at Townhall. Any comments or inquiries should be directed to the Clerk on or before 12 noon on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, in order to be considered by Council prior to the passing of the By-law.

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