
Penetanguishene is a Bee City

The Town of Penetanguishene identified that strengthening its natural environment is one of the municipality’s primary goals in its community strategic plan. The Town is a proud and founding member municipality of the Severn Sound Environmental Association and has recently partnered with York University for the creation of a Climate Solutions Park. Obtaining a Bee City Canada designation is another example of the Town of Penetanguishene’s commitment to its Community Strategic Plan and Climate Change Action Plan.

We commit to protecting pollinators and providing pollinator habitat within Penetanguishene. Every June the Town recognizes National Pollinator Week to celebrate our pollinator heroes.

Bee City Logo

Naturalization Projects

Responsible parkland care means sustainable practices that contribute to a healthy, climate resilient livable Town for generations to come. Naturalization helps preserve and celebrate the natural plant and animal species found in our region.

Naturalization is occurring throughout the Town - along roadways, stormwater ponds, park spaces, and in new development communities. It may even be happening in a grassy area near you! These areas are not part of the regular mowing cycle, and may eventually be planted with trees, shrubs or wildflowers.

Notice of Naturalization Areas

With support from the Town, the Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA), was successful in securing $50,000 from the Great Lakes Local Action Fund to complete on-the ground habitat naturalization/restoration projects on municipally owned land in both Penetanguishene and Midland.  Through this partnership the community will:

  • Improve pollinator habitat and biological diversity
  • Achieve climate change action goals such as enhancing the landscape’s capacity to sequester greenhouse gases contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Increase the importance of habitat restoration and educate and empower community action

On April 12, 2023 Council also ratified a decision to submit an application in pursuit of a Bee City Canada designation.  Council and staff are confident that joining the movement to support pollinator protection is the right thing for the municipality to do. 

Both of the initiatives outlined above support the Town’s Climate Change Action Plan and Penetanguishene’s current strategic plan that aims to celebrate and strengthen its natural environment.  As such, the Town has committed to naturalizing the following two areas of municipally owned land:

Therrien Park – 21 Therrien Court

JT Payette Park – 67 Edward Street

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