Cycling Strategy
The cycling context in Ontario has rapidly changed in the past decade, as municipalities and the Province address demographic, socio-economic and environmental changes. The Province recognized these changes and implemented #CycleON, a plan to look ahead and build more sustainable, healthy and vibrant communities through increased cycling activity. Furthermore, providing protection and increased safety measures for vulnerable road users such as cyclists is of increasing importance. These challenges are not exclusive to urban environments; communities like Penetanguishene have a significant role in creating safer transportation systems and more sustainable environments. The Town’s initiative to develop a Cycling Strategy is a demonstration of its commitment for a better, more equitable future.
Penetanguishene received funding from the Province’s “Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling” (OMCC) Program in 2017. This funding was used to develop a long-term planning document to guide future planning, design, implementation and operations of cycling infrastructure, programming and policy – Penetanguishene’s first Cycling Strategy. The strategy was completed collaboratively with Town staff, local stakeholders, committee representatives, decision makers and input from local residents of Penetanguishene and North Simcoe.
The plan is meant to be action oriented, giving Town staff and its partners clear next steps to move forward with the implementation of cycling infrastructure, programs and initiatives. This strategy is meant to be a flexible and adaptable resource for staff and stakeholders and is intended to be a guide for future decision making for the planning, design and development of cycling infrastructure and supportive programs and policies.